8th AgriFin Learning Event

Theme: Enabling Rural Economy: Creating Lasting Impact for the Digital Ecosystem in Africa

About the event

Mercy Corps AgriFin and its partners have long been at the forefront of supporting African Agtech, fintech development, and digital climate-smart agricultural services in the region. Despite the unprecedented challenges faced by technology startups and their investors over the past few years, particularly those aimed at improving the lives of small-scale producers and enhancing rural economies, the commitment remains steadfast. This pivotal moment calls for reflection and support for determined founders and teams striving to make a lasting impact.
The 2024 AgriFin Learning Event (ALE) will provide a platform for in-depth discussions and candid conversations with DFS enablers & investors, Government representatives & policy makers, donors and small-scale producers. The event will focus on regulatory enablers and barriers, aiming to establish how digital ecosystem players can foster inclusive and sustainable digital agricultural transformation.
Together, they will ideate, define, and develop strategic breakthroughs to shape the future of partnerships and innovations in Sub-Saharan Africa and beyond, recognizing the transformative era of digital public goods and infrastructure.

Watch the Live Stream

Watch Mercy Corps AgriFin’s 8th Annual Learning Event.

The event will consist of keynote speeches, presentations, launches, demonstrations, panels discussions, quizzes and a full day marketplace where great agriculture related innovative solutions will be on display.

Keynote Speakers

Stefano Carcoforo

Stefano Carcoforo

IProcure LTD

Rose Goslinga

Rose Goslinga

President & Co-Founder

Melaku Yirga

Melaku Yirga

Regional Director East and Southern Africa
Mercy Corps

Stewart Collis

Stewart Collis

Senior Program Officer, Digital Solutions,
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

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