Wouter van Monsjou

Business Analytics team Lead, IDH


Wouter is committed to building more sustainable, resilient, and inclusive agrifood systems. He believes smallholder-inclusive business can be a key leverage point to transform value chains, markets, and landscapes. He has worked with 50+ companies – from local SMEs to global FMCGs; financial and financial to digital service providers – across various value chains in Africa, South East Asia and Latin America.

At IDH he leads the Business Analytics team. Business Analytics provides practical, data-informed insights and recommendations to innovate, build and scale inclusive business models. Their approach creates a common understanding based on which private and public sector can jointly shape better inclusive business. By showcasing evidence on what works where and why they seek to create momentum and critical mass such that inclusive business is better understood and adequately incentivized at the institutional level.​


LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/woutervanmonsjou/