Mildred Nadah Pita
Head of Public Affairs Science Sustainability Africa,
Mildred Nadah Pita possesses over 19 years of experience as a Business Executive, with a track record that includes expertise in business operations, fostering private-public partnerships, building strong relationships, and effectively merging consumer insights with business goals to drive revenue growth for both new and existing products, ventures, and partnerships.
Currently, Mildred holds the position of Head of Public Affairs Science Sustainability for Africa. In this role, her responsibilities encompass formulating strategy and leading Bayer’s efforts in public policy, science, and sustainability within the African context.
Consistently, she has showcased her profound understanding of public policy matters, offering valuable support to governments and institutions by highlighting critical agricultural issues affecting farmers in low- and middle-income countries.
She is an ardent believer that agriculture can serve as a powerful economic tool for the growth of communities. Consequently, she passionately advocates empowering ecosystems that facilitate access to knowledge and capacity for small holder farmers.