Kassim Zani
Gender Transformative Programming Lead,
Mercy Corps AgriFin
Kassim has extensive experience in the human right based approach to programming with a technical background in gender, women’s empowerment, governance, and social accountability. Kassim is highly experienced in developing gender-responsive policies and strategies; gender analysis and devising innovative strategies to effectively address those needs through gender mainstreaming, public policy analysis, capacity building, and developing gender equality action plans.
Before joining Mercy Corps Agrifin, Kassim worked for The United Nations where he successfully implemented Gender Mainstreaming strategies for various programs, providing required technical support to country teams by ensuring women’s terms of inclusion are improved by stimulating teams with innovative approaches and strategies to balance private sector business interest with programme goals.
When he’s not at work, he loves, spending his time going on long relaxing drives, watching movies and having deep conversations with friends and family.