Adam Wills
CTO/Co-Founder, Learn.ink
Learn.ink was founded while its co-founders (Georgia Barrie and Adam Wills) were working with small-scale farmers in Kenya. Originally we were trying to create a totally different product: a tool for farmers to sell their produce and get access to high quality agronomy training. To cut a long story short, the marketplace solution didn’t work but the training solution worked amazingly well. This is how Learn.ink was created, and today we serve organisations across Africa to build amazing remote learning experiences: from training dairy farmers in Tanzania, to training off-grid solar installation agents in Nigeria, to training sales agronomy agents in Kenya.
Most of the training tools out there assume users have access to a laptop or a tablet and an unlimited Mobile or WiFi connection. Or they assume everyone is totally comfortable using complicated mobile interfaces and reading long sections of prose. And most importantly they forget that a great learning experience should be fun, not a chore. Learn.ink is designed overcome all these issues. The solution works for highly remote, low literacy, smartphone owners at the beginning of their journey in formal employment. Learn.ink is now a critical part of the tech stack of organizations who offer these individuals work and want to maintain productive and engaged workforces at scale. With Learn.ink they can do this while enabling them to the performance and engagement of every single one of their agents in a more data driven way than before.
Adam is one of the co-founders of Learn.ink, and a software developer. He worked in Kenya for many years, and currently acts as Learn.ink’s CTO.