Betty Muriithi
Senior Regional Digital Financial Services Manager
Mercy Corps AgriFin
Betty joined the AgriFin Accelerate (AFA) Program with 17 years’ experience in banking at Barclays Bank and Bank of Africa in Kenya. She has strong skills developing and implementing sustainable digital products and high level exposure to digital financial services solutions.
Prior to this role, Betty led card management and multi-channel services at Bank of Africa Kenya, owning the bank’s strategy with regard to product development, business development, support and implementation of projects. She was actively involved in developing digital channels at the bank and worked directly with telecommunications companies and technology partners to deliver electronic services to retail banking clients across industries.
Betty holds a Global Executive Masters in Business Administration from United States International University Africa (USIU-A) and an undergraduate degree in International Business Administration from USIU-A. She has continued to update her expertise through advanced banking courses over her extensive banking career.