Collins Marita
Director MERAL,
Mercy Corps AgriFin
Collins brings 13 years of experience in research and project management, with a specialty in financial and agricultural sector-related research projects. He has also worked in the health and ICT sectors. His expertise spans over ten countries in Africa and Asia in both qualitative and quantitative research, including designing and implementing studies, as well as program monitoring and evaluation.
Prior to joining AgriFin, Collins managed the Financial Inclusion Insights (FII) research program for Kenya, with an additional focus on the agricultural value chain in eight countries. While at FII, he was also part of the team coordinating research on smallholder farmer households’ use of digital financial services supported by the Consultative Group to Assist the Poor (CGAP). Collins has worked in the private sector research community as a research manager, and, in the NGO sector, as a monitoring and evaluation officer for IFDC (2SCALE), a project focused on improving farmer livelihoods through the formation of agribusiness clusters.
He also worked at the International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI), under the Livelihoods, Gender and Impact program, as an impact assessment consultant in Nairobi and Addis Ababa. Collins is a published author and holds a Master of Science degree in Research Methods from the Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology (JKUAT). He earned his Bachelor’s degree in Agricultural Economics from the University of Nairobi and has a diploma in Business Management from the Kenya Institute of Management (KIM)