Elias Nure
Digital Climate-Smart Agriculture and Sprout Platform Lead,
Mercy Corps AgriFin
Elias Nure is leading Mercy Corps’ AgriFin Digital Climate Smart Agriculture team and supporting the program expand into Ethiopia. Elias has over 10 years’ experience in international development, technology and agriculture. Prior to joining the AgriFin Program, Elias was seconded from the UN WFP to manage the Ethiopian Agriculture Transformation Agency’s (ATA) ICT for Agriculture Services program.
The ICT for Agriculture Services program is tasked on automating, centralizing, and simplifying the dissemination of critical information to a wide range of agricultural stakeholders across the sector. The program’s portfolio includes projects such as the 8028 Farmers’ Hotline, one of Africa’s single largest IVR/SMS services, the Ethiopian Agriculture Investment Mapping tool (ETH-AIM), the Agriculture Input Tracking system (ITS), and many other projects that have concluded.
Prior to Elias’ work in Ethiopia, he also worked in the United States, in organizations that include Accenture and Unisys, on a number of US government projects. At Unisys, Elias supported the TSA Operating Platform (TOP), which is a collection of shared IT services that support mission critical applications across TSA. Some of the TOP applications Elias worked on and supported include the No-Fly List, Performance and Results Information System (PARIS), and many other reporting and data collections applications.
Elias attended the Villanova University, where he received his B.S. in Computer Science, and the John C. Whitehead School of Diplomacy and International Relations, where he received his MA in International Relations.