Lucy Komen
Ag. CEO/Registrar,
Warehouse Receipt System Council (WRSC)
Ms. Lucy Komen is the Ag. CEO/Registrar of the Warehouse Receipt System Council (WRSC) as of April 2023. In this role she oversees the development and regulation of the warehouse receipt system for agricultural commodities that enables farmers to access quality certified storage facilities under licensed warehouse operators in a bid to reduce post-harvest losses, access better prices through structured market linkages as well as access to affordable credit by using the warehouse receipts as alternative collateral.
Ms. Komen previously served in the chemical industry for 24 years on product registrations, understanding markets and use areas for organic pesticides. She is passionate about food security, food safety and using environmentally friendly pesticides in farming.
Lucy holds a BA in Business Administration and an MBA in Strategic Management from Egerton University and a Diploma in Information Technology from Algonquin College, Canada and has recently completed a program titled Making Agriculture Work for food and nutrition security from WCDI, Wageningen in 2022. She is currently undertaking an advanced leadership for African leaders in agriculture by the AGRA-led Centre for African Leaders in Agriculture.