Margreet Muizebelt
Founder & Account Manager Partnerships,
Acorn RaboBank
Margreet has 20+ years of experience in the financial sector, especially in corporate advisory and structuring financial products within the corporate markets. Given her passion for nature and sustainability, from 2021 onwards, she joined a new innovative proposition within Rabobank called Acorn. Acorn stimulates smallholder farmers to transition to agroforestry. This ensures better resilient to climate change, more biodiversity, better soil quality and often a higher food production. As the trees grow, they absorb CO2 from the atmosphere and retain it. Acorn can remotely measure the biomass growth on the farmers land and convert this into Carbon Removal Units (CRUs) of 1 tonne each. This provides Smallholders access to the voluntary carbon market and an additional income stream as 80% of the sales proceeds should flow back to the farmer. Within the partnerships team she has direct contacts with local implementing partners in Eastern and Southern Africa. Her role it focussed on ensuring a good quality and certified long-term program. In this role she is able to combine her personal interests in sustainability and passion for nature with her professional skills.