Nathanial Peterson
Managing Partner, Burgeon Strategy
Nate serves in three related roles in agriculture development. He is VP at the Busara Center for Behavioral Economics in Nairobi where he leads the agriculture and rural resilience portfolio and is head of global partnerships. It is in this capacity that he first worked with Agrifin, which was instrumental in launching his network in African agriculture and introduced him to some of his favorite organizations and collaborators.In 2020, Nate spun a company out of Busara called Burgeon Strategy which is a consulting company that helps agriculture companies projectize their growth and development around a blended finance approach that precisely integrates investment with non-dilutive (grant) capital.
Burgeon also helps build strategic partnerships with funders, other companies and scientific institutions. Clients include agro processors, regenerative ag and agroforestry companies and agriculture market platforms.Finally, Nate is part of the broader scientific community working on climate smart and regenerative agriculture and the policy environment that can enable it, from research on agtech uptake to helping policymakers integrate climate information into their decision making processes. In this role Nate has consulted with UN FAO and is part of the SHARED team at the World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF).In his personal time, he raises sheep, rabbits, layers, BSF, azolla, strawberries and 3 children. He has degrees in Agriculture and Natural Resource Economics, Psychology, and a PhD in Behavioral Decision Research from Carnegie Mellon.