7th AgriFin Learning Event

Theme: Resilient, Inclusive, and Sustainable Food Systems: Enhancing Collaboration to Scale Digital Solutions

Session Details

Opening Remarks

Michael Joseph

Michael Joseph

Board Chair Pula, Board Chair Kenya Airways & Businessman

Sieka Gatabaki

Sieka Gatabaki

Program Director
Mercy Corps AgriFin

Cabinet Secretary

Cabinet Secretary

Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock Development

Leaders Dialogue

Session Overview:
During this session, speakers will be setting the stage for the ALE, exploring how food systems and associated initiatives towards improving them, can be enhanced by greater collaboration, forming the right partnerships, to be able to take advantage of emerging technologies
Session Moderator:
Tamara Cook

Tamara Cook

FSD Kenya

Rose Goslinga

Rose Goslinga

President & Co-Founder

SESSION 1: Financial Services

Theme: Finding Effective Partnerships, making it work for Smallholder Farmers

Session Overview:

The objective of the session is to discuss Partnerships and their role in the success of access to financial services by smallholder farmers, which would include: – Showcasing how partnerships leverage strengths of ecosystem players to develop platforms that have better active use and access outcomes – Assessing the competitive landscape to unpack where collaboration would work best e.g. agent level and data sharing level – Reviewing success stories and also challenges faced in fostering partnerships for financial services. – How do we attract the right partners for a platform?

Session Moderator:
Grace Njoroge

Grace Njoroge

Technical Director-Programs
Mercy Corps AgriFin

Jared Ochieng

Jared Ochieng

Senior Agriculture Specialist
FSD Kenya

Paul Odong

Paul Odong

Head of Projects
Equity Bank, Uganda

SESSION 2: Gender and marginalized groups

Theme: Growing Inclusive and Equitable Food Systems through Collective Action.

Session Overview:

This session aspires to be a dynamic platform that sets the stage for transformative change within food systems. Through this session, we aim to facilitate a collaborative dialogue that transcends boundaries, bringing together a diverse array of stakeholders from philanthropic capital to agribusinesses, financial institutions, and technology innovators to chart a course towards a future where food systems are not only more equitable but also more capable of withstanding the impacts of a changing climate.

Join us in shaping the future of food systems, where collective action is the linchpin upon which resilience, inclusivity, and sustainability depend. Together, we will navigate the complex terrain of modern agriculture, forging partnerships that will drive meaningful change and ensure a nourished and resilient world for all.

Session Moderator:
Sieka Gatabaki

Sieka Gatabaki

Program Director
Mercy Corps AgriFin

David Saunders

David Saunders

Briter Bridges

Ali Hussein Kassim

Ali Hussein Kassim

AHK Corp

Toffene Kama

Toffene Kama

Principal Investor,
Mercy Corps Ventures

Session 3: Advisory

Theme: Providing Advisory: Exploring innovative revenue models, leveraging partnerships to tailor affordable and inclusive services for smallholder farmers.

Session Overview:

Digital agriculture advisory services have evolved significantly since their inception, revolutionizing farmers’ access to knowledge and enhancing farming practices. This journey has yielded tangible results in boosting farmers’ understanding and application of effective agricultural techniques. To ensure the sustainability of these services amidst challenges such as farmers’ reluctance to pay for certain offerings, a multi-pronged approach is essential. This session explores innovative revenue models, leveraging partnerships with private and public sectors, and tailoring services to meet farmers’ specific needs and affordability. Moreover, promoting collaboration among advisory services is crucial to avoid duplication, optimize resource allocation, and create synergies where complementary services enhance overall impact. By harnessing available data, resources, and infrastructure, can we create a collaborative ecosystem that empowers farmers with comprehensive, sustainable, and value-driven digital agricultural solutions?

Session Moderator:
Elias Nure

Elias Nure

Digital Climate-Smart Agriculture and Sprout Platform Lead,
Mercy Corps AgriFin

Kristin Peterson

Kristin Peterson

Sprout Platform Lead and Sr. Tech for Development Advisor
Mercy Corps AgriFin

Irene Wambui Kimani

Irene Wambui Kimani

ICT Specialist and Data Scientist at KALRO

Abrhame Endrias

Abrhame Endrias

Founder and Managing Director, Lersha

Kelechi John-Ogbuku

Kelechi John-Ogbuku

Head of Communication, Coamana

Mandlenkosi Nkomo

Mandlenkosi Nkomo

Delivery Work Package Lead and Chief Growth Officer,

Temesgen Gebeyehu

Temesgen Gebeyehu

Digital Agriculture Program Director,
Ethiopian Agricultural Transformation Agency (ATA)

Calvince Okello

Calvince Okello

Founder and CEO, M-shamba

Prof. Simon Wagura Ndiritu

Prof. Simon Wagura Ndiritu

Strathmore University, Business School

Peninah Wanja

Peninah Wanja

Managing Director,
FarmingTech Solutions Ltd

Henry Burgsteden

Henry Burgsteden

Senior Coordinator, 
Office of the Director General (ODG),
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Session on Generating Evidence

Session Overview:

Incorporating a session on generating evidence during the AgriFin Learning Event will be an important aspect because it will empower participants with the tools and knowledge needed to make informed, data-driven decisions in agriculture and finance. Evidence serves as the backbone for effective program design, resource allocation, and policy development, ensuring that efforts are targeted towards strategies with the greatest impact. It fosters accountability, innovation, and collaboration among stakeholders, ultimately driving positive change and sustainability in these vital sectors. In a rapidly evolving landscape, such a session ensures that participants stay at the forefront of industry trends and best practices, promoting continuous learning and growth.


  • Behavioral research masterclass – insights from ongoing work with Busara
  • RCT and rigorous research – Insights from ongoing work from DAISI and J-Pal
  • Alternative to rigorous research – Insights from ongoing work with 60 decibels
Session Moderator:
Sieka Gatabaki

Sieka Gatabaki

Program Director
Mercy Corps AgriFin

Alexis Teyie

Alexis Teyie

Research Lead,

Alex Nana Sinkam

Alex Nana Sinkam

Design Director

Larissa Bachia

Larissa Bachia

Director of Programs & Partnerships,

Andreea Nowak

Andreea Nowak

Research Team Lead for Climate Action,

SESSION 4: Markets/Platforms

Theme: Enhanced collaboration for effective digital platforms

Session Overview:

The main objective of this session is to share learnings around collaborations for effective delivery of services via digital platforms. The session will focus on understanding the evolving dynamics around digital platforms as agtechs develop strategies for scale and sustainability inorder to serve small scale farmers. Digital platforms experts will look to engage participants in open discussions and debates on how existing digital platforms can serve small scale farmers better through inclusivity and collaborations. The session will identify the bottlenecks as well as opportunities around scaling robust digital platforms.

Session Moderator:
Samuel Karanja

Samuel Karanja

Agriculture Manager,
Mercy Corps AgriFin

Alexis Teyie

Alexis Teyie

Research Lead,

Abrhame Endrias

Abrhame Endrias

Founder and Managing Director, Lersha

George Njoroge

George Njoroge

Country Coordinator,
Farm to Market Alliance

Paul Asura

Paul Asura

Projects Manager,
Green Edge Digital Africa

Wouter van Monsjou

Wouter van Monsjou

Business Analytics team Lead, IDH

Hellen Mutogoh

Hellen Mutogoh

Head of Community Engagement,
AfriScout Project

Ann Kabukuru

Ann Kabukuru

Commercial Management Lead,
DigiFarm Kenya

Session 5: Digital Climate Smart Agriculture (DCSA)

Theme: Financing Climate Change Adaptations

Session Overview:

Financing climate change adaptation efforts can simultaneously address poverty reduction and sustainable development across Africa. Climate Finance is the catalyst for leveraging resources for new collaborations and promoting technologies. This thematic area showcases ways to engage the private and public sectors in ensuring effective collaborations within the ecosystem and fuel discussions on necessary policies that can positively impact and drive change in the sector as climate smart agriculture is an integral approach to help guide the transformation of agriculture food systems. It will also highlight the climate smart financing needs within Africa, gaps, and opportunities in this space.
This session will also introduce Sprout, an open agriculture content platform that has a range of climate smart agriculture resources and information, as well as climate related products and services that can be leveraged by partners to support farmers to build resilience to climate change, ultimately aiding smallholder productivity.

Session Moderator:
Lavender Apollo

Lavender Apollo

Agtech Strategy Manager,
Mercy Corps AgriFin

Boniface Akuku (PhD)

Boniface Akuku (PhD)

Digital Agriculture Specialist, Food and Agriculture Organization

Kristin Girvetz

Kristin Girvetz

Director, AgThrive

Margreet Muizebelt

Margreet Muizebelt

Founder & Account Manager Partnerships,
Acorn RaboBank

Jacopo Parigiani

Jacopo Parigiani

Soil & Water Management Scientist,
Crop Nutrition Laboratory Services Ltd. (Cropnuts)

Jeremy Cordingley

Jeremy Cordingley

Founder & CEO,
Crop Nutrition Laboratory Services Ltd (Cropnuts)

Dr. Wario Sori Sake

Dr. Wario Sori Sake

Livestock Director,

Guyo Roba

Guyo Roba

 Head of Jameel Observatory for Food Security Early Action,

Hedwig Siewertsen

Hedwig Siewertsen

Head, Inclusive Finance,

Chloe Stull-Lane

Chloe Stull-Lane

Innovation Director, SPARC


Theme: Collaborative Data Synergies for Food System Transformation

Session Overview:

There is a growing recognition of the role of data in agriculture and food systems including in the context of smallholder farmers from low- and middle-income countries. By transitioning to data driven agriculture, smallholder farmers can reduce the cost of cultivation, increase productivity, increase sales realisation, and reduce vulnerabilities. For service providers, shifting to data driven service delivery can enable better customer segmentation, improved product design, reduced cost of service delivery, and improved adoption of services. For stakeholders such as development funders, data can enable evidence based funding and also ease monitoring, evaluation, and learning. Consequently, today, there are multiple efforts to integrate data into agriculture and food systems. 

However, in practice, when it comes to data in agriculture, most of the efforts are in silos with each organization working on their own data collection, management, and analysis journey. This is resulting in duplication of efforts and resources, a fragmented data ecosystem, and farmer fatigue, all of which are detrimental to the data-driven agriculture movement. As a response, there has been a niche movement towards promoting collaboration in the data ecosystem through various models: co–investment in data collection, data sharing, development of digital public infrastructure, and others. These collaborations are new but hold several promises. For instance, it can be hypothesised that data sharing can reduce costs of service delivery and also provide access to larger pools of data for training algorithms and predictive models. Similarly, open data can enable better product design. Collaboration can also amplify evidence-based decision making and reduce costs of MEL of development programs. 

With this background, in this session we plan to understand what Collaborative Data Synergies for Food System Transformation means in the context of smallholder farmers from low- and middle-income countries, and how such collaboration can be seeded, supported, and scaled. 

Session Moderator:
Emmanuel Makau

Emmanuel Makau

Senior Regional Technology & Data Manager

Albert Boogard

Albert Boogard

Head Smallholder Solutions, Rabo Partnerships

Shreejit Borthakur

Shreejit Borthakur

Senior Innovation Manager and Technology Lead,

Charlotte Keijser

Charlotte Keijser

Innovation Manager,
IDH FarmFit Intelligence Center

Francis Gwer

Francis Gwer

Senior Financial Sector Policy Specialist,
FSD Kenya

Kelvin Mashisia Shikuku

Kelvin Mashisia Shikuku

Scientist (Economist), International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI)

Simon Mulwa

Simon Mulwa

Assistant Director of ICT,
Kenya Agricultural & Livestock Research Organization (KALRO)

Zilla Mary Arach

Zilla Mary Arach

Chief Product Officer, EzyAgric

Beryl Agengo

Beryl Agengo

Digital Agriculture Specialist,
The World Bank

Paul Odong

Paul Odong

Head of Projects
Equity Bank, Uganda

Session on Driving Investments

Theme: Unlocking financing for innovation and scale

Session Overview:

The focus of the discussion will deliberately move away from challenges and instead focus on opportunities for investment in the digital agriculture space. The session will bring together diverse investors and funders to share their experiences of what ideal investments look like considering the complexities of the system and market, provide actionable insights, caution against pitfalls that innovators (including financial institutions and agribusinesses) need to look out for, and highlight the role of collaboration amongst different actors in the space to unlock financing for innovation and scale.

Session Moderator:
Grace Njoroge

Grace Njoroge

Technical Director-Programs
Mercy Corps AgriFin

Mathew Shakhovskoy

Mathew Shakhovskoy

Director, ISF Advisors

Hannah Reed

Hannah Reed

Program Officer, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

Roel Messie

Roel Messie

Chief Executive Officer,
IDH Investment Management

Magdalena Banasiak

Magdalena Banasiak

Head of Government Development and Partnerships, Acumen

Jan Willem Van Casteren

Jan Willem Van Casteren

CEO and Co-Founder,
eProd Solutions

Justin Ahmed

Justin Ahmed

Beanstalk AgTech

Ayodeji Balogun

Ayodeji Balogun

Group Chief Executive Officer (GCEO) ,

Michael Joseph

Michael Joseph

Board Chair Pula, Board Chair Kenya Airways & Businessman

Closing plenary

Leveraging technology towards more efficient, impactful, and sustainable food systems.

Session Overview:

Overall objective for this session is to provide an overall take of the event/parting shots for the whole event. Specifically, we will be engaging a panel of experts and thought leaders, in having conversations about:

The importance of partnerships and collective action in achieving the shared goal of transforming food systems.
Identifying opportunities for partnerships, collective action, and innovation to accelerate the development of inclusive and equitable food systems.
Insights and recommendations on how to overcome the challenges to collaboration and how to achieve greater impact.
Recognizing the growing frequency and intensity of climate-related events such as El Nino, the need for innovative agricultural solutions is more pressing than ever. How can we ensure that with the advent of artificial intelligence and machine learning that we are not left behind enhancing efficiency in our food systems.
Strategic partnerships with private-sector entities and agri-tech innovators exemplify the power of collaboration in addressing the unique challenges faced by small scale producers, how they can be enhanced and leveraged.


Session Moderator:
Mwombeki Baregu

Mwombeki Baregu

Investment Officer, IFC

Speakers :
Sophie Rottmann

Sophie Rottmann

Shamba Shape Up Series Producer, Mediae

Adam Wills

Adam Wills

CTO/Co-Founder, Learn.ink

Claire van Enk

Claire van Enk

CEO/Founder, Farm to Feed

Kristin Peterson

Kristin Peterson

Sprout Platform Lead and Sr. Tech for Development Advisor
Mercy Corps AgriFin

Ram Dhulipala

Ram Dhulipala

Senior Scientist - Digital Agriculture and Innovation at ILRI, CGIAR

Winnie Onyango

Winnie Onyango

Associate Director, PlantVillage Kenya & Lead for Dream Team Agroconsultancy Limited

John Mundy

John Mundy

Climate Finance and Technology Director at One Acre Fund

Beza Bogale

Beza Bogale

Director, DAAS Product, Digital Agricultural Advisory Services, Digital Green

Irene Wambui Kimani

Irene Wambui Kimani

ICT Specialist and Data Scientist at KALRO

Aniruddha Ghosh

Aniruddha Ghosh

Data scientist

Vinay Kumar Vitukuru

Vinay Kumar Vitukuru

Senior Agriculture Specialist, World Bank

Mwombeki Baregu

Mwombeki Baregu

Investment Officer, IFC

Nathanial Peterson

Nathanial Peterson

Managing Partner, Burgeon Strategy

Peninah Wanja

Peninah Wanja

Managing Director, Digicow

Stefan Wilhelm

Stefan Wilhelm

Associate Director Social Impact, Bayer Foundation

Godefroy Grosjean

Godefroy Grosjean

Lead – CGIAR Sustainable Finance Activities, CGIAR

Hetal Patel

Hetal Patel

Mercy Corps Ventures

Albert Boogard

Albert Boogard

Head Smallholder Solutions, Rabo Partnerships

Hafsah Jumare

Hafsah Jumare


Mathew Shakhovskoy

Mathew Shakhovskoy

Director, ISF Advisors

Rebecca Mincy

Rebecca Mincy

ARAF’s Investment Director

William Saab

William Saab

Strategy Advisor, IDH

Michael Schwall

Michael Schwall

Senior Consultant, Bayer Foundation

Joshua Murima

Joshua Murima

Head of Engagement & Investor Relations, Briter Bridges

Amani M’bale

Amani M’bale

Senior Program Officer (East Africa), Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

Michael Mbaka

Michael Mbaka

Country Relationship Manager ZEP-RE - Kenya

Leesa Shrader

Leesa Shrader

Deputy Director for Women’s Livelihood Development, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

Jamie Anderson

Jamie Anderson

Senior Financial Sector Specialist,

Renée Chao-Beroff

Renée Chao-Beroff

Founder and Managing Director of PAMIGA and PAMIGA FINANCE SA

Vineet Bhandari

Vineet Bhandari

Associate Partner, Dalberg Advisory

Nikhil Toshniwal

Nikhil Toshniwal

Vice President, New Initiatives & Digital Partnerships, DeHaat, India

Sriram Bharatam

Sriram Bharatam

Founder, Kuza Biashara

Matthew Shakhovskoy

Matthew Shakhovskoy

Director, ISF Advisors

Farayi Ziswa

Farayi Ziswa

VP of Merchandise, Copia Global

Thibaut Mallet De Chauny

Thibaut Mallet De Chauny

Co-Founder of EXA Innovation Studio

Georgia Barrie

Georgia Barrie

CEO and Co-founder of Learn.ink

Alexis Teyie

Alexis Teyie

Research Lead,

Ewan Wheeler

Ewan Wheeler

Chief Executive Officer, ACRE Africa

Deogratius Massawe

Deogratius Massawe

Chief Technology Officer, BK Techouse

Amrik Heyer

Amrik Heyer

Head of Research - Financial Sector Deepening Kenya

Pius Sigei

Pius Sigei

Chief Executive Officer, Amtech Technologies

Bade Adesemowo

Bade Adesemowo

Chief Technology Officer and Co-Founder, Social Lender

Florence Kariuki

Florence Kariuki

General Manager - Food & Agriculture Pillar - Equity Group Foundation

Paul Kweheria

Paul Kweheria

Managing Consultant for Quad Tee Corporation

Hamisi Williams

Hamisi Williams

Deputy Country Representative, FAO

Hannah Reed

Hannah Reed

Program Officer, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

Emmanuel Makau

Emmanuel Makau

Senior Regional Technology & Data Manager

Victoria Clause

Victoria Clause

Digital Climate Smart Agriculture Manager and Elias Nure, Digital Climate Smart Agriculture and Sprout Platform Lead

Grace Njoroge

Grace Njoroge

Technical Director-Programs
Mercy Corps AgriFin

Kassim Zani

Kassim Zani

Gender Transformative Programming Lead,
Mercy Corps AgriFin

Samuel Karanja

Samuel Karanja

Agriculture Manager,
Mercy Corps AgriFin

Betty Muriithi

Betty Muriithi

Senior Regional Digital Financial Services Manager
Mercy Corps AgriFin

Elias Nure

Elias Nure

Digital Climate-Smart Agriculture and Sprout Platform Lead,
Mercy Corps AgriFin

Collins Marita

Collins Marita

Director MERAL,
Mercy Corps AgriFin

Rodger Voorhies

Rodger Voorhies

President, Global Growth & Opportunity Division,
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

Stewart Collis

Stewart Collis

Senior Program Officer, Digital Solutions, Agricultural Development
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

Sean Granville Ross

Sean Granville Ross

Regional Director, Africa

Lavender Apollo

Lavender Apollo

Agtech Strategy Manager,
Mercy Corps AgriFin

Abrhame Endrias

Abrhame Endrias

Founder and Managing Director, Lersha

Jared Ochieng

Jared Ochieng

Senior Agriculture Specialist
FSD Kenya

Sadiaa Haque

Sadiaa Haque

BRAC International Microfinance

Nneka Enwonwu

Nneka Enwonwu

 Country Managing Director,
Hello Tractor, Nigeria 

Ann Kitonga

Ann Kitonga

Project Manager,
Business Analytics,

Emmastella Gakuo

Emmastella Gakuo

Co-founder and Director of Operations,
Savanna Circuit Tech

Sudi Biko Matara

Sudi Biko Matara

Head Sustainable Business and Climate Change,
KTDA Foundation

Kelechi John-Ogbuku

Kelechi John-Ogbuku

Head of Communication, Coamana

Mandlenkosi Nkomo

Mandlenkosi Nkomo

Delivery Work Package Lead and Chief Growth Officer,

George Njoroge

George Njoroge

Country Coordinator,
Farm to Market Alliance

Paul Asura

Paul Asura

Projects Manager,
Green Edge Digital Africa

Samirah Bello

Samirah Bello

Partnerships Department Lead, ThriveAgric

Wouter van Monsjou

Wouter van Monsjou

Business Analytics team Lead, IDH

Hellen Mutogoh

Hellen Mutogoh

Head of Community Engagement,
AfriScout Project

Boniface Akuku (PhD)

Boniface Akuku (PhD)

Digital Agriculture Specialist, Food and Agriculture Organization

Kristin Girvetz

Kristin Girvetz

Director, AgThrive

Shreejit Borthakur

Shreejit Borthakur

Senior Innovation Manager and Technology Lead,

Roel Messie

Roel Messie

Chief Executive Officer,
IDH Investment Management

Magdalena Banasiak

Magdalena Banasiak

Head of Government Development and Partnerships, Acumen

Rose Goslinga

Rose Goslinga

President, Pula

Alex Nana Sinkam

Alex Nana Sinkam

Design Director

Larissa Bachia

Larissa Bachia

Director of Programs & Partnerships,

Rosalie Dekker

Rosalie Dekker

Innovation Manager

Andreea Nowak

Andreea Nowak

Research Team Lead for Climate Action,

Jenny Löfbom

Jenny Löfbom

Country Director, IDH Kenya

Dr. James Mwangi, CBS

Dr. James Mwangi, CBS

Group Managing Director & Chief Executive Officer,
Equity Group Holdings.

Stanley Njoroge

Stanley Njoroge

Chief Finance Officer,
Safaricom Ethiopia

Tamara Cook

Tamara Cook

FSD Kenya

Melaku Yirga

Melaku Yirga

Regional Director East and Southern Africa
Mercy Corps

Sieka Gatabaki

Sieka Gatabaki

Program Director
Mercy Corps AgriFin

Charlotte Keijser

Charlotte Keijser

Innovation Manager,
IDH FarmFit Intelligence Center

Francis Gwer

Francis Gwer

Senior Financial Sector Policy Specialist,
FSD Kenya

Kelvin Mashisia Shikuku

Kelvin Mashisia Shikuku

Scientist (Economist), International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI)

Simon Mulwa

Simon Mulwa

Assistant Director of ICT,
Kenya Agricultural & Livestock Research Organization (KALRO)

Temesgen Gebeyehu

Temesgen Gebeyehu

Digital Agriculture Program Director,
Ethiopian Agricultural Transformation Agency (ATA)

Margreet Muizebelt

Margreet Muizebelt

Founder & Account Manager Partnerships,
Acorn RaboBank

Jacopo Parigiani

Jacopo Parigiani

Soil & Water Management Scientist,
Crop Nutrition Laboratory Services Ltd. (Cropnuts)

Jeremy Cordingley

Jeremy Cordingley

Founder & CEO,
Crop Nutrition Laboratory Services Ltd (Cropnuts)

AbdulMajid M Nsekela

AbdulMajid M Nsekela

Group CEO and Managing Director,

Jesman Chonzi

Jesman Chonzi

Manager, Financial Institutions Group for Eastern and Southern Africa,

Carolijn Gommans

Carolijn Gommans

IDH FarmFit Intelligence

Seema Gohil

Seema Gohil

Director, Digifarm

Calvince Okello

Calvince Okello

Founder and CEO, M-shamba

Zilla Mary Arach

Zilla Mary Arach

Chief Product Officer, EzyAgric

Beryl Agengo

Beryl Agengo

Digital Agriculture Specialist,
The World Bank

Mildred Nadah Pita

Mildred Nadah Pita

Head of Public Affairs Science Sustainability Africa,

Euster Seghete Gerald

Euster Seghete Gerald

Head of Ecosystem Business,
Loop DFS, NCBA Group

Paul Odong

Paul Odong

Head of Projects
Equity Bank, Uganda

Paul Kweheria

Paul Kweheria

Managing Consultant,
Quad Tee Corporation

Rupsha R Banerjee

Rupsha R Banerjee

Senior Scientist, ILRI

Tito Gachuhi

Tito Gachuhi

Manager, Financial Services Strategy (FSS),

Adwoa Fofie

Adwoa Fofie

Chief Operations Officer,
Cowtribe Technology

Duncan Oyaro

Duncan Oyaro

Project Manager,
Agriculture and Processing Project,
FSD Kenya.

Dr. George Njenga

Dr. George Njenga

Founding Dean
Strathmore University Business School

Prof. Simon Wagura Ndiritu

Prof. Simon Wagura Ndiritu

Strathmore University, Business School

William Ogallo, RPh, PhD

William Ogallo, RPh, PhD

Senior Research Scientist

Uzoma Henry Alika

Uzoma Henry Alika

Head of Crop Operations
Thrive Agric Limited

Dr. Ahmed Rufai

Dr. Ahmed Rufai

Operations manager (North),
Livestock247 Services LTD

John Mungai

John Mungai

Agricultural Finance Corporation

Peninah Wanja

Peninah Wanja

Managing Director,
FarmingTech Solutions Ltd

Dr. Wario Sori Sake

Dr. Wario Sori Sake

Livestock Director,

Jan Willem Van Casteren

Jan Willem Van Casteren

CEO and Co-Founder,
eProd Solutions

Justin Ahmed

Justin Ahmed

Beanstalk AgTech

Lucy Komen

Lucy Komen

Ag. CEO/Registrar,
Warehouse Receipt System Council (WRSC)

Jacqueline Odundo

Jacqueline Odundo

Corporation Secretary & Head of Legal Services,
Warehouse Receipt System Council (WRSC)

Mumbi Maina

Mumbi Maina

Lead Agribusiness, AGRA

Shanoo Saran

Shanoo Saran

Managing Director Food System for the Future ,

Anthony Mbithi

Anthony Mbithi

Head of Agribusiness,
Family Bank Ltd

Ayodeji Balogun

Ayodeji Balogun

Group Chief Executive Officer (GCEO) ,

Dennis Itumbi

Dennis Itumbi

Chief Administrative Secretary

Michael Joseph

Michael Joseph

Board Chair Pula, Board Chair Kenya Airways & Businessman

Cabinet Secretary

Cabinet Secretary

Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock Development

Ann Kabukuru

Ann Kabukuru

Commercial Management Lead,
DigiFarm Kenya

Guyo Roba

Guyo Roba

 Head of Jameel Observatory for Food Security Early Action,

Henry Burgsteden

Henry Burgsteden

Senior Coordinator, 
Office of the Director General (ODG),
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Hedwig Siewertsen

Hedwig Siewertsen

Head, Inclusive Finance,

Chloe Stull-Lane

Chloe Stull-Lane

Innovation Director, SPARC

Wangari Nduta

Wangari Nduta

Development Consultant

Rose Goslinga

Rose Goslinga

President & Co-Founder

David Saunders

David Saunders

Briter Bridges

Ali Hussein Kassim

Ali Hussein Kassim

AHK Corp

Jerry Chis OCHE

Jerry Chis OCHE

Founder and CEO

Nathanial Peterson

Nathanial Peterson

Senior Scientist Climate Action lever
The Alliance of Bioversity International & CIAT

Munyi Nthigah

Munyi Nthigah

Co-Founder & CGO
Ketha Technology Limited

Emmanuel Khisa

Emmanuel Khisa

Africa Director
Center for DPI

Kennedy Senagi (PhD)

Kennedy Senagi (PhD)

Post Doctoral Fellow
International Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology

Stefano Carcoforo

Stefano Carcoforo

IProcure LTD

Ewan Wheeler

Ewan Wheeler

Chief Executive Officer

Backson Mwangi

Backson Mwangi

Programme Policy Officer
UN World Food Programme

Wen E Chin

Wen E Chin

Manager ClimateShot Investor Coalition (CLIC), Agrifood Investment Connector
Climate Policy Initiative (CPI)

Samuel Karanja

Samuel Karanja

Senior Regional Agriculture Manager
Mercy Corps AgriFin

Andrew Ahiaku

Andrew Ahiaku

Director, Head of Financial Sector and Country Programs
Aceli Africa.

Toffene Kama

Toffene Kama

Principal Investor,
Mercy Corps Ventures

Wong Ching Fung Janice

Wong Ching Fung Janice

Lead Impact Lead
Climate Policy Initiative

George Njoroge

George Njoroge

Farm to Market Alliance (FtMA)

Jay Shapiro

Jay Shapiro

Founder & CEO
Usiku Games

Eric Massinda

Eric Massinda

FSD Tanzania

Christian Merz

Christian Merz

Program Lead FAIR Forward: Artificial Intelligence for All

Nathan Wanjau

Nathan Wanjau

Lead Ai Developer
Usiku Games

Charlene Migwe

Charlene Migwe

Digital Consultant

Irene Warui

Irene Warui

Senior Climate & AgTech Strategy Officer
Mercy Corps AgriFin

Emmanuel Makau

Emmanuel Makau

Senior Regional Technology & Data Manager
Mercy Corps AgriFin

Ferhana Jelaludin

Ferhana Jelaludin

Engagement Consultant
Mercy Corps Ethiopia

Default Image

Deputy Data Commissioner
Office of the Data Protection Commissioner

Oscar Otieno

Oscar Otieno

Deputy Data Commissioner
Office of the Data Protection Commissioner

David Lemayian

David Lemayian

AI & e-Gov Lead and Founder & Principal
Qubit Hub & Tenery Research



Post-doctor fellow

Masilin Gudoshava (PhD)

Masilin Gudoshava (PhD)

Climate Modelling Expert
IGAD Climate Prediction and Applications Centre- ICPAC

Bertram D’souza

Bertram D’souza

Chief Product & Innovation Officer
Protean eGov Technologies Ltd.

Sheena Raikundalia

Sheena Raikundalia

Chief Growth Officer
Kuza One

Josephine Okolodi

Josephine Okolodi

FTMA farmer service Centre

Dr. Stephen Mutuvi (PhD)

Dr. Stephen Mutuvi (PhD)

Post Doctoral Fellow

Dr. Evan Girvetz

Dr. Evan Girvetz

Principal Scientist

Sriram Bharatam

Sriram Bharatam

Founder & Chie Mentor
Kuza Bishara

Dr. Aisha Walcott- Bryant

Dr. Aisha Walcott- Bryant

Co-Lead Google Research Africa & Senior Staff Research Scientist

Salim Kinyimu

Salim Kinyimu

Director, ICT

Kirti Pandey

Kirti Pandey

Director- Program and Solutions

Amrik Heyer

Amrik Heyer

Senior Research Specialist
FSD Kenya

Jamie Anderson 

Jamie Anderson 

Senior Financial Sector Specialist 

Njeri Ngaruiya Ng’ang’a

Njeri Ngaruiya Ng’ang’a

Lecturer and T4D Researcher
Strathmore University/Qhala.

Eric Muriuki Njagi

Eric Muriuki Njagi

Chief Executive Officer


Ani Ghosh

Ani Ghosh

Data Scientist


Sukriti Vinayak

Sukriti Vinayak

Commercial Director